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About Early Light Academy

A tuition-free public charter school
serving students in grades K-9.

At full capacity, ELA has 1,030 students. In grades K-9, there are four classes per grade with approximately 26 students in each class. Junior High class sizes vary, but typically average about 26 students per class. 

ELA runs on a modified traditional school year schedule. There is not a year-round track option.

Our campus has three buildings: 

  • The main building houses K-4 and our Library, Gym and Main Office. 
  • Grades 5-6 are in "B" building; this building houses the Music Room and Performance Space, as well as student lockers for Grades 5-6. 
  • Our new building includes a state-of-the-art theatre as well as a lunchroom and Junior High classrooms.

Two young female students standing against wall smiling.


The mission of the Early Light Academy is to deliver a high-quality education with a deep, rich, and engaging curriculum utilizing effective instructional techniques and emphasizing history, taking our students from the Stone Age to the Space Age, the Information Age, and beyond.

Teacher giving a lecture with a paper in his hand.


ELA will empower students to become lifelong learners and inspiring leaders who know their actions today impact our tomorrows.

History Focus

We are what history books are made of!

We strive to improve student learning by creating a learning environment that stimulates inquiry, supports comprehension, and encourages mastery. History is our chosen curricular emphasis. In the strictest sense, history is the study of specific events, persons, and places of the past. 

ELA curriculum emphasizes historical inquiry, which fosters active thinking and engages students in the journey of education. Students also become familiar with significant events and individuals of the past, identifying patterns of change over time, and analyzing the relationship of the past to the present. 

One way ELA students are able to connect to the past, is by reciting the pledge of allegiance each morning. By reciting the pledge each morning students are taught to respect the flag and understand the great cost of our freedom. 

Careful consideration of historical facts promotes critical thinking skills. Such engagement encourages each student to take responsibility for learning, providing ELA students with the skills for a smooth transition to high school as well as motivation for life-long learning and responsible citizenship.  

Understanding history sheds light on our future.
Our actions today will impact our tomorrow.

Financial Assistance

  • ELA is a targeted assistance Title I school.
  • Title I: A federal allocation of funds for public schools for the purpose of supporting students identified as below grade level in math and reading.
  • Statewide Online Education Program