Early Light Academy offers extra curricular athletics for 6th through 9th grade students. Fall sports includes boys and girls Cross Country, girls Volleyball, and boys Soccer. Winter sports includes boys and girls Basketball. Spring sports includes girls Soccer, boys Volleyball and sometimes we offer coed Ultimate Frisbee. All of these sports programs compete in the Utah Charter and Small School Athletic League (UCSSAL). ELA has traditionally had a high quality athletic program.
These sports programs are open to all ELA students (Grades 6-9) and all are encouraged to tryout. Most athletic programs start with an “open gym” format that allows students to attend without trying out to help them decide if it is something they may be interested in. Some sports teams will have a limit on the number of players allowed and some teams will accept all students trying out. We encourage all 6th-9th grade students to consider trying out for any of the teams or contact the Athletic Director, Mr. Robinson, krobinson@earlylightacademy.org if you would like more information.
Boys Basketball
Information to come on practices and game schedules!